Playonline Id Recovery

Playonline Id Recovery

May 15 2021

Playonline Id Recovery

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Q: My PlayOnline ID registration information is not up to date. Will this have any effect on the transfer? A: This will have no effect on the transfer process itself, but please be diligent in keeping your information up-to-date. After the transfer, all support will be managed with the SQUARE ENIX account instead of the PlayOnline ID. Step 3: Wait for Restoration Confirmation E-mail from PlayOnline PlayOnline will contact you by e-mail with the result of the recovery once it has concluded. Recovery generally takes one week, but if you have still not received an e-mail after a week, please contact the PlayOnline Information Center.

This weekend I tried to re-sub to Final Fantasy XI. To thisday, I still have uncomfortable flashbacks about the PlayOnline launcher andits steel-toed kicking aimed at my nether regions, but I had resigned myself toweathering a new flurry of attacks in order to participate in stabbing thekneecaps of some Notorious Monsters with a co-worker.

It had been about a year since I had last camped Vana'dielso I was not gobsmacked to discover I had forgotten my password. No worries, Ithought. I can just try the few passwords I have been using for the past 10years for various accounts (MMO, banking, pr0n and etc). It's sure to be one ofthose. However and dramatically, regardless of how many variations of capitalletters and key smashing I tried, my PlayOnline ID would not accept aPlayOnline password. Determined not to be defeated by the recall capacity of myown cerebrum, I hit the FFXI website in order to search for knowledge in adatabase, a knowledge database if you will.

'How do I change my password?'. Hmm, not quite.'A message states that my PlayOnline ID and PlayOnline password arewrong.'. Close, but no cigar. 'How do I purchase a Content ID?'.You're asking me?? Somewhere in the area of 10 Q's and A's concerned with theterm 'password' sat before me, but none would dare own up to offeringhelp in regards to retrieving a forgotten password.

In between bouts of pounding alternative passwordcombinations into the PlayOnline launcher I got around to emailing FFXIcustomer support with my conundrum. 3 full days later and I still have noreply. Backtrack to earlier today, and taking a deep gulp of computer fan-blowndust I took the plunge and dove into the web-based chat program advertised as athird alternative to the knowledge database and email on the PlayOnlinewebsite.

Now, I've been around the virtual block a few times, so I'vedipped my toe in a few and varied chat programs, web-based and otherwise. Butnothing had quite prepared me for the 30 minute wait-fest that followed, aflash of text appearing every 2 minutes letting me know that the chat programwas having errors connecting, as if that were not already apparent. I was aboutto minimize the window into the depths of my monitor's background once againwhen a ray of hope greeted me. 'Hello, this is FFXI TSR Xxxx. Please waita minute while I review your ticket.'. You can take a minute, take adamned leap-minute if you want, has anyone told you how beautiful you lookright now?

Verifying my rightful existence through 6 craftily createdquestions designed to weed out everybody but me, I then waited like a 7-yearold listening for the lunch bell. After a pause between my comments that mademe question whether this TSR was actually trying to talk to several poor foolslike myself at the same time I eventually was presented with a reply, and atbest, closure.

'I'm sorry. This account has been deleted due toinactivity.'

Oh, that's a shame, I thought to myself. Most MMO companiesonly really ever delete low level inactive characters in order to free up space,and many still offer account recovery if you are graced with a caring customerrepresentative. Before the NGE debacle I had re-subbed to SWG briefly and myCreature Handler/Bio Engineer that had been sleeping for over a year was stillthere upon log in, eager to be ganked by rabid durnies once again. Rest inpeace, my little WHM/BLM.

'Ok, well, can I delete my PlayOnline ID and use thePlayOnline registration key (note: essentially the CD key) to create anotheraccount?'

Pause while the TSR talked to another helpless fool.

'I'm sorry. Only one PlayOnline ID may be created foreach PlayOnline registration.'

'So, I can't create another account? Is there some wayI can get a new PlayOnline registration?'

'In order to obtain a new PlayOnline registration youwill effectively have to purchase another copy of FFXI.'


Sitting there, peering at what was typed before me fromevery sideways, upside-down and inside-out angle, I tried to ponder why mewanting to give a monthly fee to Square-Enix was proving to be so difficult.Looking over at the computer game boxes lining my shelves I mentally checkedoff all the games, besides the apparent FFXI, that allowed me to keep playingit as long as I held the CD key. I arrived at 100%. Before closing the chatprogram and squeezing my dreams of my new Taru-taru RDM /panicing for money inthe middle of Jeuno out of my head, I left the TSR with a helpful tip in thehopes he/she had some super-duper powerful conduit to the upper management.

'You know, you might want to reconsider makingregistration keys one-time use only. I'm sure this needlessly complicated andinane business model has lost you a number of potential customers that havebeen looking to re-subscribe on a whim.'

So, apparently the moral of my little adventure is thatSquare-Enix doesn't want my disposable income. So I ask, is there anybody thatdoes?


Unauthorized access refers to a third party (someone other than the actual account user) accessing an account without permission, and/or using information somehow obtained from the user. This is not only a violation of the PlayOnline User Agreement, but also a criminal act in violation of the law.
Even if someone who has had an account accessed by a third party manages to take it back and successfully log in, it is not uncommon for items, gil or even characters to be missing.
The following guidelines set out the preventative measures that we are taking to safeguard users from unauthorized access, as well as procedures for recovering a user account in the case that it is accessed by a third party.

The following are preventative measures to safeguard users' account information from malicious third parties.

  • Do not share your PlayOnline ID or password with anyone, even if you are close friends. Do not keep a paper copy of your PlayOnline ID or password in an easily accessible location. Remember that Square Enix will never ask a you for your password.
  • If you are using a shared computer or any other system that third parties can also use, be sure to use “Guest Login” so that your PlayOnline ID and password are not stored or accessible to other users.
  • Be careful about clicking on links when viewing the web. If you are suspicious about a link do not click on it. Also, external “helper” programs are prohibited, because they can sometimes be used to steal users account information. Be aware of the security of your own computer, you should periodically run Windows Update, virus checks, and keep your security updated to the latest version.
    *There are cases where users' information has been stolen, even with virus software installed and tight security in effect. Please be careful. Do not assume that you are protected from programs which steal your account information, virus software will not always be able to prevent all unauthorized access.
  • When deciding your password, avoid strings of characters that are easy to guess. Periodically change your password.
  • If you become aware that someone knows your PlayOnline ID or password, please immediately change your password or contact the Information Centre for assistance.

Management and security of your PlayOnline ID and password is solely your responsibility. This is set out in Article 5 of the PlayOnline User Agreement. However, in the real world, Square Enix recognizes that a user may have their account accessed by an unauthorized third party and may suffer damage to their account or characters through no fault of their own. In such a situation, Square Enix will follow the procedures outlined in the diagram below.


Square Enix will perform its own investigation.
If you think that account has been accessed by an unauthorized third party, please contact the Square Enix Information Centre. We will perform an internal investigation to determine whether or not there was unauthorized access. Because unauthorized access is a criminal act, we may also ask you to contact the police so that a formal criminal investigation can be conducted. A specialized team within Square Enix will assist the police in any criminal investigation if asked for assistance.
Square Enix may at its discretion provide two kinds of assistance for customers whose accounts have been accessed by third parties: “account recovery” and “game data recovery.” Both of these may be provided based on the results of our own internal investigation without waiting for the conclusion of the law enforcement investigation. “Account recovery” erases the disciplinary measures history for the period that the account was being accessed, as well as fixing the password changes and other data that was altered during the period of unauthorized access. “Game data recovery” restores an account's game data to the state it was in before it was damaged through unauthorized access. Game data recovery, however, can only be requested once per customer. (Multiple accounts can be dealt with on a single recovery request).

If you cannot log in to your account, you can log in to your account but items have disappeared, or you suspect that your account may have been accessed by a third party, please contact Square Enix. After your situation has been assessed, we will proceed to one of the two procedures outlined below.

“Account Recovery” involves returning an inaccessible account to the original user who registered the account. Deletion of the disciplinary measures history for the period that one's account was being accessed is also a part of account recovery.
[ Step 1: Contacting Square Enix ]
Please check the Square Enix Support Centre FAQ under 'Account Recovery' if you are unable to login to PlayOnline with your normal PlayOnline ID and password, as it is possible your account has been accessed by a third party.
If you become aware of unauthorised access outside of the Information Centre's hours of operation and possess multiple PlayOnline IDs, log in from another PlayOnline ID and contact a Game Master (GM). The GM will make the accessed account temporarily unavailable. However, please note that a GM cannot perform account related actions such as changing a password, so it will be necessary to check the Square Enix Support Centre for the related FAQ.
>>Square Enix Support Centre
[ Step 2: Verifying your PC's Safety ]
It is possible that a third party stole your PlayOnline ID and password through a virus or spyware that had infected your PC. If your PC is infected with such programs and you enter the new password you received from the Information Center, your account could again be accessed by an unauthorized third party.
Update your security software to the latest version and perform a virus scan. If your computer is infected with any viruses, exterminate them immediately and afterwards once again change your PlayOnline password.
After you log in to your account, check whether or not your game data has been damaged. Remember to report the crime to the police.

*Deletion of the disciplinary measures history will occur after Square Enix's internal investigation regarding the unauthorized access has concluded.

If you discover that your game data has been damaged or altered as a result of unauthorized access, please contact Square Enix within 7 days of your account's recovery. Game data will be recovered for customers who fulfill the following two requirements.

  • You have not had your game data recovered since April 23, 2008.
  • It is still within 3 months of your account being accessed by an unauthorized third party.
    *Game data recovery is different from item recovery where you request the return of lost items.
    *Game data recovery will not be available for users on the FINAL FANTASY XI 14-Day Free Trial.
[ Step 1: Contacting Square Enix ]
Please check the Square Enix Support Centre FAQ in cases where you can login to your account, but you realise an item is missing.
>>Square Enix Support Centre
[ Step 2: Verifying the Notes of Concern Regarding a Game Data Recovery Request ]
You will need to agree to the notes of concern listed below (please read them carefully before contacting Square Enix).

Playonline Id Recovery

  • Through server backup data, the game data will be returned to its state before your account was accessed by an unauthorized third party.
    Please note, we cannot specify exactly which point of time the data will be returned to. We also cannot return the data to a time frame designated by the user.
    Depending on the timing that the backup data for recovery is created, there may be certain items up for auction or yet to be collected from the delivery box. In such cases, the items are not recoverable.
    There may be cases where, the backup data is not saved and game data recovery is not possible.
  • Game data recovery can only be requested once per customer.
    (Multiple accounts can be dealt with on a single recovery request)
  • There are cases where a character’s name may not be available or recoverable due to a world transfer or other circumstance where another character with the same name already exists.
  • The account will not be accessible until the game data recovery has concluded.
  • If it is discovered that a false game data recovery request has been made, action will be taken according to the PlayOnline User Agreement.
    When the recovery work has concluded, we will contact you by e-mail.
    You will need to verify that your registered e-mail address is valid and is not your PlayOnline e-mail address.
  • If we cannot find any evidence of unauthorized access through our internal investigation, your game data will not be recovered.

[ Step 3: Sending Copy of Official Documents ]
After contacting the SquareEnixInformationCenter, please send a copy of one of the official documents listed below so that we can verify your identity. If the information in the document is different from your registered information, we may refuse to recover your account or game data. Registering false information with PlayOnline is a violation of the PlayOnline User Agreement.

Find Playonline Id

Driver's license / Passport / Birth Certificate
*We will tell you where to send the documents when you contact us.
*Users' documents will only be used for verifying your identity and will only be stored for a short period of time, then destroyed.

Playonline Id Password

[ Step 4: Wait for Restoration Completed Notification E-mail from Square Enix ]
Square Enix will contact you by e-mail with the result of the recovery once it has concluded.

Square Enix Id

Click here to view the compromised account policy.

Playonline Id Recovery

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