What Is Play In Spanish

What Is Play In Spanish

May 11 2021

What Is Play In Spanish

As Spanish use has grown, driven primarily by Hispanic immigration and population growth, it has become a part of many aspects of life in the U.S. For example, Spanish is spoken by more non-Hispanics in U.S. Homes than any other non-English language and Spanish language television networks frequently beat their English counterparts in.

Masculine plurals in Spanish can refer to mixed groups of males and females. Thus, cuatro hijos can mean either 'four sons' or 'four children,' depending on the context. While it may sound strange to the ear attuned to English, padres is a grammatically correct way to refer to both a mother and father, even though padre alone refers to a father. Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like jugar, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it. The following baseball terms in Spanish will give you a great start whether you want to play or watch the game with Spanish speakers. Spanish Baseball Vocabulary While the nature of the game can vary from country to country, the vocabulary tends to be similar.

Pronunciación /ˈroʊlpleɪ//ˈrəʊlpleɪ/

verbo intransitivo

  • (in training and teaching) realizar un juego de roles
    • Pupils sang songs, played bingo, and role-played with puppets.
    • The children role played taking a trip.
    • Staff role played various ways to approach a co-worker, how to use language of accountability, and how to ask for help.
    • Therapists-in-training were asked to invite an individual or couple they knew to role play a therapy session with them.
    • The scholar encourages his students to role play the story of David and Goliath.
    • Allow the students to role play as the doctors, nurses and patients.
    • We were role playing there a little bit just to give you an idea of what kinds of conversations he would have with potential clients.
    • Communication problems such as this likely resulted because staff members were role-playing and were not completely aware of the importance of communicating during a drill.
    • In the room being used for training on the new touch-screen ticket machines, staff were role-playing in a mocked-up ticket office.
    • Students in one parenting class are role-playing different scenarios when kids aren't necessarily cooperative, and patience may be wearing thin.


    • Role play and costumes are used to demonstrate what the monks would have worn, what they ate, and how they could be punished.
    • Role play can be a very helpful tool in learning new ways to deal with power exchanges.
    • This activity is based around a role play exercise focusing on a car dealership.
    • She said much of the course revolved around role play to recreate a court room scene.
    • The aim is to teach patients, by role-play and rehearsal, to recognize and cope with high-risk situations for relapse.
    • Soft toys and dolls play an important part in first role-play games.
    • The laboratory is used for role-play simulations and assessments of simulated patient encounters.
    • She took part in role-play exercises with the other aspiring actors.
    • Victor spent the day participating in role-play, talking about the different animals in the storybook, and helping the children to develop their reading skills.
    • The program will focus on getting graduate students, new practitioners and seasoned practitioners to think creatively about their practice options using an interactive role-play that engages the entire audience.
Learning English? Read More About The Language Here!

We have more than 150 play scripts in Spanish (complete and free to read and use) that you can use as an example to write your own, or to act them directly without having to pay us!

Most of our scripts are easy and short, so they are really good for kids and students that don’t speak Spanish as their first language. We have play scripts in Spanish for kids, middle school & high school, college and adults.

Every play is created around a broad topic that you can see clearly in the title (for example: «love») and also details the number of actors so you can choose something that fits your needs.

How to get started? You can visit our homepage to see the latest play scripts we have published, or use the search form in the right sidebar (use keywords in Spanish please).

You can filter using the number of actors:

…or the type of play:

As we said, most of our scripts are short, but you can also check long play scripts here if you need to have longer plays.

How To Spell Play In Spanish

If you need more help to start or you don’t know what kind of play you want, here we put a direct link to some of our play scripts, but with the title translated to English so you can understand right now what they are about…

List of play scripts in Spanish

What Is Play In Spanish
  • Example play script about the meaning of Christmas in Spanish (6 characters)
  • Example monologue for a woman in Spanish (1 character)
  • Example play script about animals for preschoolers in Spanish (3 characters)
  • Example play script about love and goodbye in Spanish (3 characters)
  • Example Christian play script about the importance of family in Spanish (4 characters)
  • Example comedy play script about gossip in Spanish (4 characters)
  • Example plays script about good actions in Spanish (4 characters)
  • Example play script about drugs and addiction in Spanish (8 characters)
  • Example play script about money and happiness in Spanish (3 characters)
  • Example play script about racial discrimination for kids in Spanish (7 characters)

What Is Player In Spanish

Please leave a comment below if you don’t find the type of play script you need, we will try to help you to find it or we even might make a new one! You can write in English if you want 🙂

What Is Play In Spanish

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